A very wise Museum Director once said...
Joy Matthiessen,
Des Plaines Historical Society, GGb #2
That is so very true! Every dollar matters more now than it ever did. Printing and mailing costs continue to demand a huge percentage of many tight budgets. Save those dollars for programs and salaries by increasing your use of digital communi-cations strategies. Send out e-cards and
e-flyers. Green Guestbook, and our Business Partner, Constant Contact can
help you do that.
Everyone benefits when we can encourage people to expect emails instead of envelopes. It saves staff time, money and trees when digital correspondence replaces paper communication.
Track those precious marketing dollars by asking your visitors how they heard about you. Find out if flyers sent home from school really generate increased weekend or special event attendance. Let the radio station or the newspaper know if that expensive ad paid off. Help your marketing staff decide where best to direct those budget dollars in the future.